Bible Study
January 29, 2025
Our Wednesday night services are currently working on Psalms . Please join us every Wednesday at 7 PM.
Our Sunday School services are open and currently working on " BE Attitudes to Live By" Please join us every Sunday at 10AM
Our Sunday night services will be focused on "Nehemiah" Please join us every Sunday night at 6 PM.
Online messages
January 26, 2025
We are no longer streaming due to Facebook/ Meta's new policies. We currently have our services uploaded for later viewing. You may find our messages may come in 2 parts and we have pared down our online service to just the sermon.
We ask that instead of shrugging off church altogether, because we no longer live stream messages, that you dust off that Bible and get yourselves in church. We do enjoy fellowship together. There is still singing and meeting one another happening here.
GBC Supports Worldwide Missions
April 14, 2024
GBC supports multiple missionary families around the world!
We send monthly support to missionaries planting churches in India, Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan, South Korea, Philippines, China, Cambodia, Mexico, Australia, Alaska, Papua New Guinea, Democratic Republic of Congo, Fiji Islands, New Zealand, Wales, and Panama, Chile, Dominican Republic, Zambia, and home missions.
As an Independent Baptist church we choose the missionaries we want to support and every dollar given to missions goes directly to the missionary.
Pray with us for their financial needs, family relationships, personal spiritual growth, to overcome language and cultural barriers, physical health and safety, new souls and church growth, and freedom to share the gospel.
Even though the pandemic years appear to be behind us, they have taken a toll. Fewer people are attending church resulting in a smaller group contributing to missions.
Some of the missionaries we supported have come off of the field recently. We have been able to take on new missionaries to continue the work abroad to keep the number of missionaries supported at a consistent number. Our current number of missionaries supported is 26
Pray that we will be able to continue our support for our missionaries.