Online messages
July 10, 2024
We attempted live streaming after June 10th on Facebook. Upon experiencing technical difficulties we found out the following: 

Starting June 10th, 2024, new Facebook policies require:

  • Facebook accounts must be at least 60 days old to go live.
  • Pages or professional profiles need at least 100 followers.
  • Page access or task access is required to create live content from a Page
Well, we most definitely do not have at least 100 followers. Since we no longer pass muster for Facebook / Meta's business model, streaming is for the time being off the table until we hit 100 followers. We have been able to have our services uploaded for later viewing. Be patient as we continue to iron out our uploads. You may find our messages may come in 2 parts. 

This means no more "pajama church" for our congregation during church services!

We ask that instead of shrugging off church altogether, because we no longer live stream messages, that you dust off that Bible and get yourselves in church. 
Bible Study
June 23, 2024
Our Wednesday night services are currently working on  Psalms . Please join us every Wednesday at 7 PM. 

Our Sunday School services are open and currently working on " Fruit of the Spirit" Galatians 5:22-25 Please join us every Sunday at 10AM 

Our Sunday night services will be focused on the Book of Amos Please join us every Sunday night at 6 PM.
Faith Promise Missions
April 21, 2024
Matthew 28
19  Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: 

20  Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

We have decided in a recent business meeting to increase our missions giving to our missionaries. 

We ask for your prayers that we may continue to meet the needs of our missions support